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Blood on the Clocktower

Thu, 01 Jun



Do you think you can you have what it takes to be a traitor? Lie, betray and deceive your way to victory? Or can you spot a liar a mile off, catch them out at their own game for your faithful townsfolk. This is the ultimate social deduction game you can play right here in Swansea.

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Blood on the Clocktower
Blood on the Clocktower

Time & Location

01 Jun 2023, 18:00 – 22:00

Swansea, 43 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1EF, UK


About the event

Do you think you can betray, backstab, lie and murder your way to victory? Or are you the perfect faithful townsfolk seeking justice in this unfair world with a sharp eye on details and social queues? 

This game will consist of 15 players that are secretly chosen randomly assigned roles all with a specific part to play which can gather information, confrim facts and even sabotage or murder players in the game. There are 4 players that will be selected as the either the Demon & their minions (The Evil Team) the remaining players will be our faithful townsfolk (The Good Team).

Good Team

You win if you succesfully kill & banish the player selected as 'The Demon' ending the game immediately. You must work out who amongst you are the fellow good players, trust information carefully and vote players out according the facts and your gut instict. Can you smell evil a mile off?

Evil Team

You win by succesfully murdering majority of players in the game until you and or your evil team is left standing. You must deceive players into voting for fellow townsfolk & protect the player selected as 'The Demon' at all costs, even if it means you be executed as a loyal minion for the greater cause. All monsters are human right?

Day & Voting 

The game has two  main stages. Day time and Night. In the day you may communicate with fellow day players publicly or in private conversations. This is where you can bring your information together, select allies or targets. 

Night Time  

All players are asked to close theirs eyes and be silent. The game runner will wake certain players up to perform actions in secret. This stage the player selected as 'The Demon'  will wake up and select their victims to be murdered secretly. Other players can have abilties which require them to wake up no matter if Good & Evil  to find information or even posion other players. 

What if I am murdered? 

You can still take part in the game but you are limited in voting and cannot use your ability.

Good Player 

Once declared deceased by murder or banished to be hanged on the block by townsfolk players the the game is  a step closer to ending. Your ability no longer works. You can vote one final time during the day phase so use it wisely! We call this a Ghost Vote.


The Game Ends & Good Team Wins. Evil Team Loses.

Evil Team (Minion)

You would be killed by townsfolk vote. Your identity is still secret unless you reveal it until the game ends. You like the Good Team Players killed will still be able to communicate, lie and throw the sent off the The Demon.  Dying for a Minion isnt always a bad thing, better you than your master? Your role is to cause doubt /suspicion and keep heat away from the Demon so your team can win.

Game Runner (Storyteller/Claudia Winkleman)

They will be the all knowing master behind this game. They will observe what happens in the game. They will announce if/who was murdered in the night, they will call for players to nominate someone to be executed and will put everyone to sleep and wake you up if you have a role to carry out while everyone's eyes are closed. At the end of the game they will announce the winning team confirming if it was Good or Evil.

The Storyteller will be covering the rules before the game commences. 

We do kindly ask that all players can watch some Youtube videos to gain a grasp of the basics before the event commences as it will allow us to save time for the actual gameplay. 

The Storyteller will be available for private conversations to ask questions about the game and role.

This event is only suitable for players of the age of at least 18+ years old due to the end time of the event. 


  • Blood on the Clocktower Ticket

    This ticket gives you a seat in this thrilling social deduction game filled with twists, lies and murder. If you are a traitor evil team or a faithful townsfolk seeking justice is all in the hand of fate on the night!

    From £2.50 to £5.00
    Sale ended
    • £5.00
      +£0.13 service fee
    • £2.50
      +£0.06 service fee



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